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Agricultural Information Service

Agricultural Information and Services and Fertilizer Recommendations

http://www.frs-bd.com/ Click on this link to get agricultural information and sir recommendations.

The Department of Agricultural Extension is the largest government service provider of agricultural services in Bangladesh. The responsibility of this department is to provide efficient and effective extension services based on the needs of all classes of farmers so that they can make the best use of their resources and contribute to sustainable agriculture and socio-economic development. The main function of the Department of Agricultural Extension is to increase agricultural production, develop human resources and conduct agricultural technology transfer activities. In the meantime, the department has led the country towards food self-sufficiency through intensive activities, especially in increasing the production of paddy and wheat. The implementation of Revised Extension Approach adopted by the government has also brought significant changes in the field of agricultural services and transfer of agricultural technology. For more details.

Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation (BADC)
Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC), then known as East Pakistan Agricultural Development Corporation, was established through the Agriculture Development Corporation Ordinance, 1971 (EP Ordinance XXXVII, 1971). BADC mainly carries out its functions through five wings (Administration, Finance, Micro-irrigation, Seed and Horticulture, Fertilizer Management) and four (Administration, Finance, Micro-irrigation, Seed and Horticulture) pools. Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation (BADC) is playing an important role in ensuring food production and food security and sustainable food self-sufficiency of Bangladesh's growing population. The role of quality seeds, fertilizers and irrigation is crucial for food production. Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation (BADC) is providing quality seeds, fertilizers and irrigation facilities at the doorsteps of farmers at the right time and at affordable prices to increase food production. Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation (BADC), an important body of the Ministry of Agriculture, is playing a great role in providing agricultural inputs and services to farmers across the country. High quality seeds are the main agricultural material for increasing crop production. Under the BADC, non-urea fertilizers are imported from Tunisia and Morocco, Belarus, Russia, Canada, etc. under inter-state agreements and supplied to farmers at prices fixed by the government. Various irrigation activities are being implemented through BADC to expand the irrigation area and provide irrigation facilities at the farmer level. For more details.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC)
In 1973, the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council was established as a statutory body for coordination, planning, implementation and evaluation of agricultural research at the national level. Subsequently, considering the importance and success of agricultural research at the national level, the scope of work under the Act was further enhanced, consolidated and strengthened. In 1996, the Council was given the responsibility of coordinator. The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council Act 1998 was re-enacted. Under this Act, the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) was reorganized with ten National Research Institutes and the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council dealing with the sub-sectors of crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry under the agricultural sector. The main objectives of the Council are to avoid duplication in research by research institutes and all affiliated organizations, coordinate programs, formulate and prioritize research plans based on national policies, evaluate research, conduct research and provide quality development and guidance to agricultural research at national level. Under the Act, the policy-making activities of the NARS are conducted under the direction of a strong Governing Body (GB). Hon'ble Minister of Agriculture is the Chairperson of the Governing Body. The Hon'ble Minister of Fisheries and Livestock and the Hon'ble Minister of Environment and Forests co-chaired the GB. In addition, a total of 26 important personalities including honorable members of parliament, secretaries of concerned ministries, eminent scientists, economists, progressive farmers, heads of agricultural extension, forest, fisheries and livestock departments are included in the governing body of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council. For more details.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI)
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute is the largest crop research institute in the country. The institute conducts research in socio-economic contexts on various practical issues including innovation of different crop varieties, sowing, care, control of plant diseases, soil fertility and water management, crop production, use, post-harvest management, marketing. The Institute mainly carries out all its functions through three wings. 1. The research wing under which 15 departments, 6 centers, 6 regional centers, 24 sub-centers, 9 FSRDs and 72 MLT centers conduct research in different parts of the country. 2. Services and Supplies Wing under which all materials required for research management are supplied and infrastructure is maintained. 3. Training and Communication Wing under which various types of training are given to the farmers including scientists, agricultural extension and NGO workers. For more details.
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRI)
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRI) is one of the major components of the National Agricultural Research System. It was established on 1 October 1960 at Joydebpur, Gazipur, 36 km north of the capital Dhaka.